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Handling ticket queues when people go on holiday; what practices and widgets


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We have a bit of an issue with people going on holiday and leaving High priority IN and SR tickets on their queue.

What to other people use in the toolset to help manage absences and ticket re-assignment?

Are there any ways to reveal in dashboards/widgets? Or was to re-assign tickets 'automatically' when absence is cited in the Availability?

Or do we just rely on working practices?

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Hi @Berto2002


I personally would recommend using an escalation event within the high priority service levels and making sure either some or all users have the 'Advanced Request Task Completer'  service desk right 

as below I can send a notification to the owners manger and set a time it will trigger this so if there is 1 hour left to meet the resolution target time or resolution etc 



In terms of a report maybe you could filter based on priority and is not resolved and then check the timestamp of the last update by joining the requests table to the h_buz_activities table to get a time stamp and then set a time range of what is considered an inactive request? 


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Hi Berto,

We do the same as Jim and have auto escalation built into our SLA which should pick up these requests where assigned to someone on holiday. Other than that I often remind the teams to ensure they consider any requests for staff on holiday and to keep an eye on the relevant queue as required.

We also output weekly reports to team leaders highlighting current workloads, along with the response / resolution time it should meet.

Many thanks

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