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Wiki Markup in Read Only version notes


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Good morning,

I would like to request for the ability for Wiki Markup to rendered within Read Only version notes, or, if possible, Wiki Markup to be converted to HTML that's visible in Read Only version notes.

This applies to both the ICF and BPM.

I am used to seeing released notes from software and game updates so I thought maybe having a well presented and format look and feel would improve the experience of reviewing the changes made by others.



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Whereabouts would you expect to see these - are you referring to the Draft Version Notes?

If I was looking at having document-style formatted version notes for Captures/Processes I'd be looking into having a proper process of creating the notes in Document Manager and using the Versioning functionality (along with review dates) to keep the Document and Workflow/Capture in line and up to date.

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Hi @Steve Giller,

This is in the Intelligent Capture / Business Process Workflows. When you save and publish a new version of the process, you have the ability to define version notes on what changes were made for that version.

In the future you can have a read a previous version note to find out what was changed at the time of publishing, but it can be difficult to read if we cannot add bullet points or formatting, so it ends up looking cluttered with unnecessary line breaks to space things out sometimes.

Whilst it seems to be very minor, to the untrained eye this can be quite hard to follow, here is an example:

If I were able to use Wiki-Markup, this would look a lot better. For example, using the numbered bullets symbol # would ensure proper indentation of text and proper line spacing.

The problem with using Document Manager, whilst it's great to use, you cannot link to a lot of other parts of the system. If Hornbill were integrating the Version Notes from the ICF and BPM with Document Manager, then I'd be all for it, because then we could easily access and update from within a specific location and it's clear there is a link between the two records.



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