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Reporting on unused Closure Categories


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I have been working on optimising our closure categories and while it is easy to see which categories are used most via reporting, what would be the best way to report on closure categories which are not used, or used least?

I thought I could exclude the most frequently used categories but we have a large number and can see the exclude list could run into the hundreds.

Does anyone have a recommendation on how unused categories could be reported on?

Many thanks

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Hi @AlexOnTheHill

This report may answer one of your questions for the least used categories, but I've not yet worked out a way to show unused categories.  This report is a "Simple Count of Data" report. Being a "count" report, it has the lowest count at the top.  It might be that in order to find categories that are not used will need to be done in a separate report. 



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@James Ainsworth

This is splendid, thank you. I have added a filter from the services table so I can see which resolution categories from our domain are used least.

Its a shame that it can't all be done on one report, what filters would show me unused resolution categories?

It could be that the unused ones far outnumber the rarely used ones so it would be good to get a measure of them.

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51 minutes ago, AlexOnTheHill said:

struggling to locate a table that all the resolution categories are held against

Each "segment" of the profile is stored separately, e.g. IT->Hardware->Damaged is not "a category" but 3 category segments. Reporting against the Closure Category of a Request will give you a value of IT->Hardware->Damaged but this is not stored in this fashion in any other table. You can't report on the "Damaged" segment, because that may be confused with another "Damaged" segment with a different parent.

Ultimately what you're trying to do here is report on something that doesn't exist - which, while not impossible, may not be practical considering the data model you're reporting on.

I would suggest that exporting the Closure Profile from the UI, then reporting on the Used profiles into a file of the same format, and then comparing the lists would be the most effective option here.

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Thank you @Steve Giller

I will give that a go, it may not be quite as easy as different services use different levels of the resolution profile hierarchy, I can transpose the ID but there's nearly 500 of them so it will take a while.

I'd say that it would be beneficial for Hornbill customers to review their resolution categories so they can get a better idea of what kind of work is being undertaken and build that into trend analysis. If a resolution category goes unused it could be an education piece or it could be that this type of action is no longer being taken. It could be that resolution categories are too vague to get a good understanding of what is being done: eg "advice given" or maybe they have assets as resolutions like "Microsoft Word".

I think a good way to see whether codes are working well is to see which codes are used most (which is easy to report on) and which ones are not used at all. If there could be some conversation with developers to find a way to report on unused (as opposed to least used) categories as an enhancement that would be most appreciated.

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Hi @AlexOnTheHill,

The attached should be bit closer to what you want/need(*).

You might need to extend the report based on the amount of levels your categories go - h_sys_profiles__5 would be added in the same way that 2, 3 and 4 were added (i.e. linking with the preceding addition).

(*) i.e. the code which was is NOT used should be the right-most non-"Closure,2" code mentioned. It is not ideal, as you will need to "interpret" each line the report returns (i.e. remove the end closure,2 columns and the preceding columns).



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