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Update email to a full User in the system using the @ function

Adrian Simpkins

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One of my Users has highlighted an update email he got on a request where his name shows as {"firstname Surname - Southend", "urn:sys:user:firstname.surname"}. When checking the update in the timeline that spawned the email it shows as using the @function so reads 'Hi @firstname.surname - Southend , I've added that in there for you now. Is this replacing a PC or a new one? Thanks!' so I wanted to check this is expected?

Many thanks as always

Email text:


Timeline text:


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Hi Adrian,

I believe that the @ mentions when typed will display the handle of the user that you are mentioning.  I'm assuming that the handles on the user profiles have been edited to include their location.  The @ mentions really only have value when you are having a discussion with another user that has a Service Manager or Collaboration subscription.  Mentioning customers or End-users that are basic users doesn't have any value.  A mention is only received as a Hornbill notification under the notification bell.  Basic users will not have access to this. 

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