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Reviewing request path in Manage Executed Processes


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Good morning,

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with one of our Business Process and it would be good to be able to view the path a request takes in the process in real time, or alternatively, a line added to trace which path it takes. I know we can look at the 'Manage Executed Processes' but currently it's sitting at a 'Suspend' node and I can't see the exact path it took before it got there. Would it be possible to add a green line to show us the route taken in the Business Process please?

I can work out the path I think it would have taken but am not sure if it actually took this path or not.

Many thanks,

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The first button image.png on the Manage Executed Process will provide a full log of every node that has been passed through.

There isn't a visual version of this, and bearing in mind complications like Parallel Processes I don't think that this is something I would expect to see.

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5 minutes ago, Alisha said:

a visual representation would also be helpful for those who process information in a more visual way

I understand where you're coming from, but because of the way the Processes work behind the scenes I can assure you that it would be far from helpful!

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