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Restrict who can assign tickets to a specific team


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Good morning,

We have an external networks team working on our network queries / issues and this team needs be a part of most services as could get tickets from any Service, but we need to be able to restrict WHO can assign tickets to this team.

Our Infrastructure team should be the only members who can assign tickets to this team as the third party cannot troubleshoot so tickets will need a full assessment before being assigned to the third party, so everyone else will be able to assign to Infrastructure, then they do a full troubleshoot/assessment, update the ticket with the details, and then pass it on to this third-party team if necessary.

I don't know if this is possible, to prevent everyone from being able to reassign to this team, except a small group of people.

If not, please can I raise this as an enhancement?

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You could leave the Networks Team with their own, bespoke Service.

Then on any Request that can potentially be assigned to them, add a Custom Button with an Auto Task behind it that raises the relevant Request and puts the initial Request On Hold awaiting its completion, utilising the new Wait For Linked Request Resolution node.

Finally, filter the Custom Button so only the relevant Users can see it.

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