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Auto task for a team not assigned as a supporting team to every Service

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Hi all,

I have a requirement to setup an Auto task button for one of my teams to allow them to auto change the raised category of a request to another raised category value. This team will visit departments and wards, then if a request is raised under an existing service / catalogue we want to change the current category set in the BPMs so these department / ward visit requests can be easily identified - so for example an Equipment Fault request would be categorised under Equipment Fault / Broken or some value and we want to auto change this to another value.

However, the team in question are not a supporting team across all Services so I suspect this will only work if they are a supporting team against a Service? If this is the case the I will potentially have to add them as a supporting team to all Services, which then means requests will be transferred incorrectly to their queue which I am trying to avoid (knowing the other teams actions).

So is there a way to allow this team to have the auto task appear on all request types without adding them as a Supporting Team to each service? Am I correct in my assumption that they need to be a supporting team against all services to allow this requirement to work?

Many thanks



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Thanks for the suggestion Steve,

I will have a little play around in the BPM. I am thinking of using a decision node if raised by = A.B,C,D usernames then add them as members otherwise No Match process onto next node. I am presuming this means they do not get added as Members to everything, only the ones they raise internally using the Raise New - however I am also presuming if they raise a personal request direct in the portal against their own account then this would also add the team as members? 

If this is the case then would need an alternative solution as we do not want to blanket add them as Members to everything, and also would not want their personal requests being picked up by the logic in the decision node.

Many thanks


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