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Date & Time within an External Authorisaton Node - Linked request

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Is it possible to pull the date and time into a External Authorisation Node for a linked request.  I have been using Cloud Automation to covert the date and time however this is not pulling through into the External Authorisation Node. I have another Authorisation Node in the process where I have used Custom fields from 'Get Request Detail' which pull through the date and time, but the time is an hour behind due to daylight saving time.  I have attached a diagram of the settings I have used.   

Would much appreciate any help.

Kind regards


External Authorisation.docx

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On 7/21/2022 at 3:12 PM, Janett Dervish said:

I have been using Cloud Automation to covert the date and time however this is not pulling through into the External Authorisation Node.

What do you see in the email when you use those values?

I also notice that you appear to have multiple Cloud Automations with the same Result Reference - this means that only the last one exists, the previous results having been overwritten. The Result Reference should be different for each node to ensure output variables are unique.

Just as a posting tip, you can paste images directly into a forum post - images in a Word Document can be a real pain to use!

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