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Auto task - Resolution Text

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I have an auto task, of which, a component is set to update the resolution with some variables from the request and customer.

Despite the update settings below, neither the resolution text or timeline get updated.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Hi @QEHNick

I've done a quick test using the Update Request->Resolution Text automation and both the resolution text and the timeline were added.  Have you tried testing this without using the variables?  Just add some text?

I have also done some tests with changing the option Overwrite Resolution Text.  If this is set to No and there is existing resolution text, you won't see a change or a timeline entry.  If you have recently changed this setting, you could double check that the update has been saved and published.

Depending on how big your auto task workflow is and what's in it, there could be other things influencing this such as a decision node not taking it down the correct path.  


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I don't think that this is influencing the outcome that your are getting, but you have the Overwrite Resolution Text set to No.  If there happens to be any text already entered into the resolution text prior to running the auto-task, then there won't be an update or timeline entry.


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For me, while running the provided Auto-Task workflow, the h_custom_a field is being used and works in both the resolution text and the timeline update.  The only two factors that I can see that might influence this not working for you is if the h_custom_a field was not populated when the Custom Button was clicked on, or there is already text in the resolution field, and the Overwrite Resolution Text option being set to No is preventing the update from taking place.

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