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Capture response and resolution times in reports


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Hi @chriscorcoran

For your report I'm assuming that you are trying to create a report that shows requests, possibly sorted by which one are close to their targets.

As far as I'm aware, the displayed information about the remaining time for response and resolution that you have in your post above are based on timers and calculations using a number of areas such as when or how long a request is on hold, or the working time calendar being used, based on the start time of the timer.  Because of the complexity of these calculations and that the actual targets may change, these ongoing targets are not stored.  The h_sys_timers has information about the start of the timers. 

Once a target is met, such as response or resolution has been met/not met then this information does get recorded in the database.

I hope that helps.  

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thanks for your post.

There's a handy quick reference available on our wiki which describes the main request table (h_itsm_requests).  It can be found here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Table_Info:_Main_Request_Table . There's also the "Entity Explorer" built into the Hornbill Service Manager Application which describes all the tables and columns (see image below) and some info on our wiki here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Application_Entity_Viewer


If I've understood your needs correctly, I believe you want to see what the response and resolution targets are for each request. The response target is stored in h_respondby and the resolution target is stored in h_fixby (the resolution-related SLA columns use the word "fix" in their names). h_respondby and h_fixby store the timestamp of the current SLA targets.

These columns are also available to display in your request list. This allows agents to sort using either the response or resolve targets which allows you to sort by those requests that will breach soonest.


I hope that helps,




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