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How do I clear-down a Board Lane?


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I have rediscovered a neglected board we set up a year ago and it's now got 8000 entries in one lane. This is causing considerable performance problems on the page. How do I go about clearing it down?!

I waited long enough to open the config and set the Lane Limit to 50 and the "hide after" to 60 days; and then it refreshed and just showed it was exceeding the numbers! I had hoped it would remove a whole bunch of content.

Do I delete the lane (and thus all it's cards) and then recreate one with the same name? Or is there a bulk delete function? I am clearly not going to click each one and removeconfirm...

Is there no housekeeping function available here? The limit and date expiry don't seem to actually remove/discard; so do I need to be watertight about removing cards from boards in all my workflows?


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We don't have the option to empty a lane currently, the expiry feature has only recently been introduced and will not apply to cards that existed in the lane before the introduction of the feature, the only option at the moment would be removing the lane and adding a new one.  All cards in that lane could still be accessed from the archived cards view (although you will need to enable the show all cards option)



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