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How do you add multiple connections to a request as part of bpm configuration?

Adam Toms

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Hi all,

I've seem to hit a bit of a stumbling block, on how you add multiple connections into a bpm node.

At this point I don't know exactly who they will be, but it will be a group of circa 20 connections at the basic user level that I need to include a part of a Service Request (SR Ticket type)

The wiki seems to indicate that this is done through the simple list function using Simple list, but it's not clear where or how you edit this since the new UI change.

The Config inside the bpm only allows one coworker but you can remove multiple connections, but only add a connection.

Has anyone managed to get this working with multiple connections of various license type?

Many Thanks


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We have asked for an enhancement to be able set up a group of Connections but never heard anything. I don't think a Simple List will do this.

So in our BPM we have a node per required Connection for different types of Requests which makes for an unwieldy screen and a pain to manage as users come and go.

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Thanks Frank.

Whilst not ideal, I didn't realise you could have more than one node with one user configured in each. I do think for us at least this will be a fairly static one off list. But I can see where you are coming from in regards to the admin overhead it would create, if that wasn't the case.

Thanks for this I will give this a try once I have the identified list.

Many Thanks


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