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Additional custom fields/removal of field type restrictions

Dan Munns

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Hi all,

Can we have some more custom fields in Supplier Manager please? I have used all the text only fields under contracts and still have at least 2 more fields to add. 

Or can we have the restrictions on date/time/decimal/int removed on the current ones?

Also is there a list of the custom fields and the current restrictions anywhere. The wiki is more than a little light on info for Supplier Manager

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4 hours ago, Dan Munns said:

can we have the restrictions on date/time/decimal/int removed on the current ones?

No, as implied by the name, these are database fields and database fields require a Type.

Can you give us an indication of what you're using the Custom Fields for, please? It may make more sense to add fields as a default if they'd benefit other Customers.

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