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Data Import Configurations - User options - Manager

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Not sure what the issue is, but noticed this when trying to view activities for a co-worker.  I could not see the co-worker listed even though I am set their manager.

Manager for a co-worker is currently pulled in from AD like this.



This creates the manager entry against the user which looks like this in the users details.


However, if I search for myself and select that, the entry above in blue becomes reconciled to my full email address and then within activities I can now select that user.

So, even though the Manager entry is correct, for some reason Hornbill is not matching ?

Any ideas.




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If you add yourself manually in the UI and it displays as your email address but after the Import shows as your name you might want to check the settings on the Import.

The Regex is a guide, it may need tweaking for your specific CN configuration, and it may be worth experimenting (on a small group of Users, maybe set up an OU with a dozen or so in for testing) with the various options detailed on the wiki to see how that responds to your data.


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