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Stage Checklist Validation Failed...

Euan Coleman

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Hi Euan,

I normally see this in a request if there is a stage check point set as mandatory in the process but the request would not always go down that path if that makes sense so the request throws the error as it has a mandatory check point that is missed in the flow. I then change it to non mandatory once I locate the node that is set to mandatory incorrectly

Many thanks

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It's always a good idea to search for the query/issue you are experiencing. This is a rather common issue and has been covered on several occasions on our forums. Here is a suggestion on how this search can be performed:



And here are some of the threads where this issue was discussed along with possible suggestions:







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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for this thread.
I had to read very carefully to realise that an error saying 'Stage CheckLIST Validation Failed' was referring to a stage checkPOINT.
I do see that a checkpoint node says 'Set Check List Item Node' but it still seems to me that a checklist is one of those things you have to fill out before you can complete an activity - from the Manage Checklist within Task Options 😞 

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2 hours ago, JJack said:

checklist is one of those things you have to fill out before you can complete an activity

It may help to think of them as exactly that, but for a Workflow.
Not all checks in a checklist have to be mandatory, but these are effectively marking points in the BPM that you need to pass through in order to complete the stage.

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