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Formatting of emails picked-up into Requests via Routing Rules


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I have an upstream system that sends an email with a list of Leavers in a table.

When I use routing rules to log that email into a new Request, all the formatting goes and I get a long list with all the cell contents on a separate line; really unreadable.

Email Routing Rules - Hornbill

Is there anything I can do to preserve the HTML formatting of the original email in the resulting request or to perhaps even convert the email into an attachment instead/aswell so the table can be viewed?

I am also pursuing the upstream service provider to see if they can send in a text format.

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Have you looked at the "View Email" option in the initial timeline entry, or clicked on the "Email" source (which is a link to the email) as these will both give the HTML layout.

The Description field is taken from the plain text portion of the email, this field does not render HTML markup.

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