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Request List not changing colour still highlighted blue even after updates in requests have been viewed.

Adam Toms

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Hi All,

I'm a bit baffled as to why our new team's request list is still showing blue even after colleagues have gone in and checked the lasted updates on the ticket.

I understand the blue highlight is for an update in a ticket you haven't seen so it makes it easier to identify updates in the tickets that you haven't read.

However our colleagues in the newly created queue have seen those updates and even after refreshing the request list this is still highlighted.

All bar one ticket in the screenshot attached which was past over from another team remains blue. 

Do I need to apply something in order for this functionality to work at a queue level, and I've missed it?

Screen shot attached.


Thanks in advance.



MicrosoftTeams-image (39).png

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This highlight indicates that the owner of the ticket has not see the last update.  So, even though a colleague may have looked at it, the colour will only change when the owner of the request looks at it.  The idea behind this is that the owner has the responsibility of the request.  It may be either a customer or colleagues that apply updates to the ticket, and the colour will be cleared once the owner has seen these updates.  

If there is no owner on the request then I believe that this colour wont change.  I can be another good way to drive ownership of a request.

I hope that makes sense.

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