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Mandatory Due Date


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Hope you are all safe and well and looking forward to Christmas.

Please would it be possible to advise if there is a way to make the due date on a change mandatory and if this is possible would it affect the process please?

Kind Regards


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Hi Ann,

If you are referring to the Change Schedule, there is no one setting that can be applied to the Change Schedule on an individual change request.  You can however use the Suspend and wait for request schedule automation to make sure that it has been populated.  Be sure to select ChangeRequests on the Entity option to access this.  Other option would be to assign Human Tasks to users that are responsible for setting the date and use the Task Outcomes to set the date.  You could also use the Lock options in the BPM to lock all actions other than the schedule to force the scheduling to be done before anything else, and then unlock the other action once you have the date.


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