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Authorisation in request expiring earlier than expected

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All,

We have a new process where we have started using the built in authorisation functionality. I have set these authorisations to expire after 4 working weeks using the calendar set against the Service / SLA. 

However, what I have noticed is that requests are expiring outside of this calendar mapping - as you can see from the below authorisation the expiry time of this authorisation appears to be in the evening, but the calendar set against the service is a 8am to 5pm calendar. 

Should the authorisation timer I set for expiration still follow the same calculation method for other timers? I worked this out so that one week is 1 day 21 hours, and 4 weeks would be 7 days 13 hours (4 lots of 1 day 21 hours) using the existing calculation method. Or does the authorisation timer need to be set against the whole day?

The below screen shot shows the request raised and the expiration for the authorisation:


Many thanks



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Hi Victor,

I have set it using the timer in the authorisation node which I presumed uses the same time calculations as the SLA timers. It is this I am unsure of - does an authorisation request follow / use the calendar set against the service like the SLA timers, or does it sit outside this ?

The Wiki has some text around this on the External Authorisations page as below, and it seems to refer to a whole day: 

  • Expire After: Configure a period in Days, Minutes, Hours after which the node will expire if an outcome has not been received from the recipient.
  • The default setting is 3 Days
  • An expiry value has to be defined, if it is left blank, 3 Days will be used.

Many thanks


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21 minutes ago, Adrian Simpkins said:

I have set it using the timer in the authorisation node which I presumed uses the same time calculations as the SLA timers. It is this I am unsure of - does an authorisation request follow / use the calendar set against the service like the SLA timers, or does it sit outside this ?

@Adrian Simpkins it does not use a SLC, so the "Expires After" will be calculated normal calendar days...

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