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Linked to our earlier posts we would like to request additional 'Data Query' options for use in both current Progressive Capture forms and hopefully in BPM Human Task fields.

  • Organisations (already requested by @Paul Alexander)
  • Service Name (Service ID Raw) - filtered by subscriptions of current user/contact context.
  • Service Calalog Name (Catalog ID Raw) - filtered by subscriptions of current user/contact context.
  • Service Calalog Name (Catalog ID Raw) - filtered by suppling a Service ID.

We are trying to implement with the BPM the process to update the service and catalog of an existing request, but the current limitations of using a hard code list or simple list in the real work Service Catalog is not practical to implement. Being able to used dynamic 'Data Query' sources would allow the BPM to be configured to present a list based on the context.





Guest Paul Alexander

+1 for these


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