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I have been given a business process to put which needs to assign issues with printers to one of 3 teams depending on the answers given.  I have had several versions of it and I can't look any more!    Can someone give me a pointer in how to get this to assign correctly, I am sure I have made it over complicated.  

Thanks, hopefully, Helen



Hi Helen

I have a similar albeit less complex matrix used to assign certain requests to different teams dependent on the answers the customer gives. So should be a case of using a decision node then use the logic you have mapped above to assign it to the team using the PC questions mapping.

So for the first line would be a decision like this: Login Auth Allowed = No & AD or Staff Pass = Pass & Temp Pass =Yes assign to 1st line etc etc.

The only way to lower the complexity would be to strip out some of the columns, however it looks like you will need all these values to assign to the different teams.

You could either wrap these up into one decision check for each team or have individual decisions for each so potentially could just be 3 decisions, or if you want to keep separate would be 16 so probably best to wrap up into one (i.e. all 1st line could be setup with (value A + value B + Value b) or (value B + value C + Value D) etc etc = assign to 1st line)

Many thanks



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Hi @Adrian Simpkins  Thank you.  

I keep going back to it thinking I've gone wrong but as I seem to have the same thoughts as you I feel a bit better.

I seemed to end up so many with arrows and decisions it is hard to see what I have covered.  My latest version has it split into stages for each of the reasons so I can keep them separate.  

Here's hoping! 



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