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Is it possible to allow users to manage snippets that are shared with them?

I found the 'manageSnippets' permission and added it to a role



However, when I tested a shared snippet, I still get the message


Is there some other permission that I may be missing?


manageSnippets gives you the right to create, share, and edit snippets, but there is no option to edit a snippet that has been shared with you. The error message is extremely accurate in this regard.

  • 2 weeks later...


In an upcoming release of the Service Manager application, which is expected within the next 3 weeks, the following will be true:

  • The "Shared With Me" tab will be hidden from users without "Can manage snippets" application right.
  • Users with "Can manage snippets" application right can edit and delete shared snippets.
  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

@AndyG Hello 

Just had it reported to me that our 1st line staff had been using the shared with me tab and the filter box to search and browse the snippets due to the list from the "Snippets - Team" option being hard to navigate vs the manage screen.
Is the Shared with me Tab going to be brought back for users without the "managesnippets" application right or can an additional permission be added to give them just read only permissions like before in this screen?
Or a search/filter on the "Snippets - Team" insert menu?


Currently it seems the only way to give the staff the ability to search shared snippets is also to give them the ability to edit and delete shared Snippets. 


Hi George,

Interesting... You can't actually use the Snippets when accessing them through the Manage option.  Your users must have been going into the managed area and doing a manual copy and then closing the Manage Snippets box to paste into the resolution or other area.  This wouldn't allow for the variables to work. 

I'll look to see what it would take to add a filter to the list of snippets within the menu.  

13 hours ago, James Ainsworth said:

Hi George,

Interesting... You can't actually use the Snippets when accessing them through the Manage option.  Your users must have been going into the managed area and doing a manual copy and then closing the Manage Snippets box to paste into the resolution or other area.  This wouldn't allow for the variables to work. 

I'll look to see what it would take to add a filter to the list of snippets within the menu.  

Yes i'm told they would use the manage screen to browse and then yes copy and paste manually. Ill let them know about the variables issue. Thanks for looking into this. 

  • 1 month later...

Hi @James Ainsworth,

This has also been reported to me that analysts can no longer see the 'Shared with me' option. Will this tab be brought back for people to browse? Which roles currently have the 'Can manage snippets' application right please?

Many thanks,

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