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Line Manager only partially adding as a Connection (i.e. cannot be used in workflow)

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In a Business Process, I have a flow to Get Customer information and then add the Line Manager as a Connection:


It uses this configuration:


The variable is: "&[global["flowcoderefs"]["getCustomerInformation"]["managerName"]]"

The user has a Line Manager set in their User Details:



And yet, repeatedly and consistently (for all users), we get this result in a Request ticket after logging (a partial but disabled Connection):



The system has clearly attempted to put a Line Manager there because the Actions drop-down gives the option to Remove. But our process breaks when trying to use that connection and treats it as if it is missing.

Our subsequent flow requires the Line Manager Connection to seek approvals. We are currently having to ask all our agents (where approval is required) to remove this 'orphan' Line Manager connection and to manually add it back in whereafter it then appears as this; which then works on our ongoing process:


Could you please help with why this is not working and what to do next? Is this a Premier Support issue I need to log?



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