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Good morning 


I would like to raise a request for additional features as detailed below: -

Can we get a feature in the BPM nodes that allows us to update the linked asset(s) on a call, based on the result of queries asked in the prog cap, whereby a customer provides an asset number when requested and it is automatically linked to a call. 

Having the ability to link this information automatically will reduce the time taken to manually carry out this action on each call. 

Similarly a node to update the linked services would be useful as oppose to changing the service the call is logged under and, potentially, avoiding the risk of the new service causing glitches in the workflows. Currently if we change the service using the BPM nodes, the calls may not proceed as expected if the changed service isn't configured the same way as the service the call is originally logged under. Having a function to link a service automatically would alleviate these instances.

17 minutes ago, Gareth Watkins said:

Can we get a feature in the BPM nodes that allows us to update the linked asset(s) on a call, based on the result of queries asked in the prog cap, whereby a customer provides an asset number when requested and it is automatically linked to a call. 

I may be misunderstanding the requirement here, but that sounds like an Asset Details form in Progressive Capture.


Hi Steve


I'm probably not explaining it well enough. 

If a customer provides an asset number in a prog cap form raised from the customer portal (service.hornbill.com), I'd like to use the answer to update the linked assets as part of the BPM flow much like we can already do with linked services for example.


I know the add assets form is available for prog caps but every time I have used it (and admittedly not too recently) this form is skipped if it the call is raised from service.hornbill.com. However, when raising in live.hornbill.com, the asset form appears and can be completed. 


My issue is that customers on our estate mainly use service.hornbill.com and, as the form doesn't appear in prog caps as expected, I have to resort to using drop down select boxes set to group pickers to display assets, but have no way to link them to the call automatically in the BPM.


I'd be more than happy to demo my issue if it would help to make sense. 

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