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Automatic Contact Expiry Alerts?

Ben Maddams

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Hello all,

Is there currently a way to email out a warning when a supplier contract is nearing expiry? We have a monthly report sent to our procurement managers, but they would like a more
urgent message in case they do not get to the report. Have examined options through Task Assignment, but the task notification options only seem to cover tasks inside Service

Many thanks,


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@Ben Maddams thanks for your post.

If you add a supplier contract to your watch list, you can personalise your expiry notifications for that contract. I've just tried it out on a demo system and there appears to be an issue however so I've asked our development team to investigate. This of course is just on an individual user basis. I guess what you're after here is a more generic alert that can be sent to a distribution list etc...


Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 13.29.25.png

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Hi Alex,

Thanks for the speedy reply. I've set the watchlist on a contract, but where do you set that notification option? Should those options automatically appear?

The notification would need to go automatically to a HB user or set of users, I'm guessing that is not possible to do at the moment?

Thanks again,


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@Ben Maddams Once you've added a contract to your watch list, change the view to show all contracts you're watching. For each one, you'll see an edit icon appear when you hover on that row. Clicking this brings up the preferences dialog box. 

This should trigger Hornbill notifications and is available on a per user basis. For example you could choose to receive daily hornbill notifications for contract A and just a single notification within 30 days of expiry for contract B, while your co-workers receive no notifications at all.


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