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BPM Error: Update Request->Service

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Hi Guiseppe,


I just wanted to start by checking if the variable that you are using for the request catalog item is using the name and not the ID of the request catalog item.   This is showing 442.  At the moment I am not able to replicate an issue, so if there is some more information you can provide, that would help me identify if there is an issue.

Have you tried using an AutoTask to test this first?

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@Giuseppe Iannacone

It might be the Catalog Name rather then the Service that it tripping it up, possibly the '-' or even the spaces being escaped, as I am presuming you are using the Display Values from the simple list to attain the Catalog Name. 

Does it work if you select the first two options in your list?



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@Martyn Houghton thanks for the reply, you are always so kind and your support is very valuable. hope to meet you soon at the next Hornbill Insight.

Said that I'm using the value from the simple list, and I also tried with an autotask (with no success)... so i suppose I'm doing something wrong... as you can see from the first post the service too is not found (service id = 85 aka "02 - Email & Outlook")
any help would be appreciated!!!! ❤

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@Giuseppe Iannacone

Not a problem, hopefully we can have an insight meeting later this year once things have settled down.

I would be tempted to try split the problem to see if that give you any more information on where it is failing. If you set the Service as Manual and select your '02 - Email & Outlook' service, then just leave the catalog items as a variable to see if you get any further.

Another combination is set the Catalog Item as ignore and just attempt altering the Service from your Simple List.

The other thing I would tempted to do in case it is an issue with the 'Variable' option, would be to set that catalog it to manual but then use button to insert the same variable in.




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@James Ainsworth well at this point is not clear to me what should be used in the field service (I am using the ID because I've tried the name previously and had the same issue).
I'm using the ID because the error message states that no ID were found

So I agree with @Martyn Houghton a clearer tip might help.
I will try again with the name and let you know

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  • 2 weeks later...

@James Ainsworth & @Martyn Houghton
I confirm, as suggested by James, that the BPM now is working as expected for the node  "update request->Service"


On 3/29/2021 at 7:29 PM, James Ainsworth said:

When using a variable for the Service, the variable should pass the service ID.

When using a variable for the Request Catalog Item, the variable should pass the Request Catalog Item name. 

unfortunately I'm experiencing another issue on the same BPM but on different topic.... I will probably need to post another topic.


thanks for the support

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