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Advanced Analytics - Average number of IN/SR

Giuseppe Iannacone

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Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

I'm a little confused about what you are looking to average? You are unable to get an average using the totals of each months widget (across the four measures) - but even if you could, I am not sure what that would tell you due to the mixing of tickets being logged, resolved and types. 

The only thing I can suggest is a linear trend line - this can be configured in the Widget settings:


Kind Regards


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@Bob Dickinson thank you for the feedback... I know understand that my request might be a little confused...
well i just would like to see a line that from october 19 to october 20 is showing for example the average value of the incident logged (e.g for example we have a total ammount of 130 ticket from oct. 19 to oct. 20 i exext the average value against the period il 130/13months=10, so a line positioning on the number ten on the graph... a kind of flat line that give me an average trend at the first sight)

I don't know if this has confused more than the first sentence... but we will see what will be you answer :)

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Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

I'll have a look to see if that is possible (I'm not entirely sure it is!). 

But just to confirm - you have talked about "Average Number of Incidents Logged" which is just the average of 1 of the current measures on your chart. 
Your graph shows different types of measures there - so would you want average lines? So in theory your graph is going to show 8 lines?

Kind Regards


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