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how to log an incident via email from a user who has multiple email domains

James Gallally

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My company has multiple email domains, and unfortunately there is no universal standard as to which domain emails will come from. This means that only emails sent from the same email address that is setup on their user account automatically create an incident when they email the helpdesk. Is there a way I can create a Hornbill Automation that will pull the firstname and lastname out of the email address and manually check and update the contact details if they are not passed through from the Progressive Capture?



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Hi James,

There is this Hornbill Automation for source email details that can be used to get the user's email address from the source email.  You may then be able to use the Hornbill Automation string utilities try to extract the user name from the address. But would you still have the same scenario where the name in the account may not match the name in the email address?


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Something else to consider is this setting.



This is off by default, but turning this on will allow requests to still be raised by the Email Routing Rules if the email address is not listed on any user record.  If you do turn this on, you may want to make sure that your routing rules only allow new requests from your domains.  After the request is raised, the correct customer can be allocated manually.  Or some possibly the Hornbill Automations mentioned in my comment above could help automate this.



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