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Adding a link to a 'View' on Workspace 'Billboard notice'


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How can I add a link, which will take me to a 'view' with list of ticket (created a view of tickets with certain condition) on workspace?

We want to use Workspace to collaborate Our daily triage on workspace and wants to have a view of ticket related to triage issues discussed.





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Hi Joyce,

The views in the request list don't show in the URL, so you wouldn't be able to have a link to specific View.  You could have a scheduled report and link to the report. 

If you use the Reports option under the Service Manager menu, you can build reports based on Views.  

Let us know if you think this would work for you.


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Hi James,

I required the View for interaction purpose. So I can click on the tickets and see updates. If I do on report/ Dashboard I will have to copy the ticket number then search for it.

I already have PowerBI dashboard from a report which give details of some fields, but off course won't be able to see the timeline updates.



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Some other options to think about. 

You can manually post the URL of a request in a post or comment which then provides a link to the request.



Another solution would be to automate this. Using this Hornbill Automation you can automatically add request as either posts or comments to your triage workspace.  The request's workflow can continue to update these posts as the request progresses.  


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