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Direct link to a document


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Hi All,

is it possible to create a link/shortcut to an existing document stored in a library? Library is shared with Basic Users. I would like to have an icon/link on the main page (Employee Portal) with "featured" forms and documents like in the attached picture. 




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Guest Paul Alexander

Can anyone at Hornbill shed any light on why this isn't working please? Is it just our instances, or is it a bigger problem? 



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Due to the security around accessing documents in docmanager the direct links to documents are temporary and will not be valid if accessed by anyone else, and therefore unfortunately can not be shared/bookmarked.   The only way to access documents is by using docmanager or the employee portal widget,  I will investigate if it possible to create a bookmarkable link.


Trevor H

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We have a lot of FAQ's with links to documents that are now essentially broken. If there was a way round this it would be really helpful? Having a direct link to the doc in the FAQ is a really user friendly approach.

If not, then might need to consider moving our docs to sharepoint online so that we can continue to link to them in the future - which would be a shame because it moves functionality out of the hornbill eco system


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