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Limit closed ticket history in MY SELF SERVICE to a certain date.

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I would like to set a date for previous tickets in MY SELF SERVICE to a certain date.  Is this possible, so say for example they can only see tickets with a creation date of after 1st November 2020.

We are launching the Employee Portal in November, and would prefer a clean start to the previous tickets the end users can see.





Hi Mark,

 that's not currently a feature of the Request widget, at the moment it's designed to return all requests belonging to the customer. The only thing in this area relates to offering a read-only view of the closed requests. This is governed by an application setting (found in Hornbill Administration > Applications > Service Manager > Settings) called: 


Unfortunately, at the moment the only suggestion I can offer to achieve the outcome you're looking for is to remove the customer from the closed requests. Admittedly, this isn't a great suggestion as its rather laborious and you lose an easy reference to who the customer was for a ticket. There's also a chance that this potentially effects some reports (if you have any which focus on the customer or any attribute of the customer). Whether this is a realistic suggestion depends on what the overriding objective/need is.

I hope that helps,


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