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Emails not working


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Hi @Malcolm

Could you please provide a bit more context

  • When did you first notice this? 
  • Has there been any recent modifications on your exchange server? 
  • Has there been recent modification to the inbound mail service configured on your Hornbill instance e.g. has the supplied credentials changed?
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On your instance, please navigate to Home > System > Email > Shared Mailbox

Click on the shared mailbox which is not receiving emails 

Click on the Inbound mail service under Inbound Mail Service 

On the Email service page displayed, please click on the Test Connection button and let me know what message is displayed.

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The message above suggests the Hornbill connection is working as expected. Could you check if there are any errors recorded when you navigate to the ESPMailService on your instance?



Are you able to send emails out of Hornbill? 

Could you also confirm the origin IP specified in your firewall rules includes OR

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