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We are expericing a lot of slow performance this morning including people not being able to login or open/log requests.

Is this confined to us?


Dear @Jeremy

This appears to be caused by 1 of your Accounts (SD AUTO BOT) running a given API (entityAttachDoesExist) and cycling through all file attachments . Its calling this 100s of times a second.  Not sure why or what you are trying to achieve but stopping this would solve your issue


Kind Regards


Keith Stevenson


@Keith Stevenson we cannot see that our account is running the API (entityAttachDoesExist) in anything that we have done.

This has happened since the update last night, I am only clutching at straws but did something change API wise in the latest update?


What is the SD Auto Bot account used for? What scripts does it fire.  Also your instance has just got to the critical point so will just have to give it a restart. This will take about 1 minute. 

Kind Regards

Keith Stevenson


sdautobot is the account we use for automating some things e.g. moving multiple emails to another folder, importing staff accounts, auto logging jobs via emails, etc.

I've also bounced our main server that fires these scripts.


@Stephen Christopher
At the moment it appears to have calmed down and we will continue to monitor. Im working back through the logs to see what the first occuruence of the API spam was but it created so much noise that cant see wood for trees. 

Kind Regards

Keith Stevenson


@Stephen Christopher
I will have to have a look at yesterdays logs. As for this mornings it started at 07:42:12z and the offending check seems to be on 

h_name = 'image_1.png' 

and then increments  the image check by 1 each time for the call reference IN01007239. It does this close to 160K times in 1 hour (seems to loop ) before the server just starts using more and more RAM and slowing down.  Will need to check if its the same offending callref in the next 2 occurences (after the restarts) but this may give you something to look at 

Kind Regards

Keith Stevenson



@Keith Stevenson

That's our email autologger script - i've been running it for over week without any issues.....strange why it's started behaving in this way.

The API commands i use are:

$mc->invoke("apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Incidents", "logIncident");

$mc->invoke("apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests", "update");

$mc->invoke("apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/RelationshipEntities", "add");    

$mc->invoke("mail", "deleteMessage");

I'll try and grab the parameters i use in LogIncident...




@Stephen Christopher

Given it was OK yesterday (After the ESP release) but had issues this morning (After the Service Manager release) I wonder if something has changed in Flowcode. If you can DM me the script I can drop it on a test box and see if we can replicate. 

Kind Regards



we have also been notified that a request was raised but it spawned a lot of clones....this was raised via self service customer got as far as attaching a quote then spawned lots of requests.


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