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My Organisation's View missing


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@sprasad the Employee Portal is an internally facing employee portal, it is not a replacement for the Customer Portal, for external customers and their contact's.  The My Organisation's Request's is a feature of the request list on the customer portal, it did not exist on the old Service Portal or My Services View, where the My Staff's View did and as such is carried forward to the internally facing Employee Portal

Is the User in question a contact for one of your customer's?  

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@sprasad from a support perspective, his colleagues will be able to do this from their support queue's if they were supporting those tickets.  From the perspective of being an internally supported employee / customer, there is no default option to view the tickets of other internal customers, this is true of the employee, service and my services portals.   As we know when the context is external and you are supporting tickets from an external organisation, then this is allowed via the My Organisation's view on the customer portal.

Internally the tickets could be of a sensitive nature, as such it is not possible to view other employee's tickets.  The two exceptions to this are to consciously enable the following:

* Manager visibility  of their staff's tickets - possibly what is needed if an employee was on leave


* Utilise Connections and allow connections to tickets to view / update the tickets of other employees via the employee portal


Both these options allow a controlled and opt-in options for allowing other users to have visibility to internal employee tickets via the employee portal

Hope that helps




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