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Task does not correspond to task template


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The task/activity template looks different from what is actually shown when creating a task/activity.
Right now the template has things visible (assign to for example) that when using the template are hidden.
So I cannot use the template to add "assign to" because it's already there in design mode but not visible in the actual task.
I hope I make sense.

The templates for activities (the system made ones) should reflect what the task/activity actually looks like when raised.

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hi @HHH

Task was design to show minimal set of visible fields by default, it's title + description + category + due on and this fields were intended to always be visible when you start the task (with or without template). 
Templates were designed to extend this and add ability to inject values and later also to just show fields so users can quicker fill fields with data especially when they are creating bunch of similar tasks everyday.

I hope that it makes more sense now.

Thank you,

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