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Assigning tasks automatically if main ticket is re-assigned

Victoria Heeley

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Having been live with Hornbill for over 2 months now we are finding that it would be better for us if tasks on a ticket were automatically re-assigned when the parent ticket is re-assigned but keeping the ability to manually reassign as well would be more useful. or being able to update tasks even if it's not owned by the person needing to update it.

Also is there a way of taking ownership of a task if you are not the owner (that I have missed reading about?)



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Hi @Victoria Heeley

Tasks can be assigned to users, roles or  groups.  It seems your Task Assignee has been configured as users / variables that identify the request owner.  Tasks assigned to roles  or groups can be completed by anyone with the defined roles or within the group. This means you do not have to reassign the task when you reassign the request from one analyst to another. 

The Task Owner can be notified about the task in reminders and will have the ability to reassign the Task Assignee if required. More details are found at https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/BPM_Human_Tasks

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