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SSO changes

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi Gerry

Thanks for the posting about the upcoming changes to the logon for SSO - I wanted to check is this going to be an option we can turn off/on or will all our existing customers have to use this whenever they logon to the Service Portal side?

Many thanks



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@Adrian Simpkins

The login screen does not affect the customer or service portal, only the user and admin apps - the user app does of course include the Employee Portal so if you are using that and by "existing customers" you mean basic users on the system, and as basic users they are using the employee portal, they will also see this screen. 

The image and some aspects of this login screen are customisable, so you can get it falling in line with your internal branding/corporate identity pretty easily.  

hope that answers your question. 


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@Gerry is it possible to have two links set up for this, as we have some applications that have /sso at the end of the link to automatically login e.g.

hornbill.com - this has the page as mentioned in the original post with the click here to login, then it asks for details etc
hornbill.com/SSO - this logs in directly if there is an active session open, similar to how it works now

Is this possible?

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I am not sure that is possible as its currently implemented to be honest, our goal was to ensure there was always a way of being able to log in, especially given the fact that when an SSO cert expires things can get complicated.  There is a general practice emerging in cloud based solutions where there is a requirement for a positive "LOG IN" action to be taken, and there are lots of good reasons for this which I highlighted, so its that learning that others have followed that we have taken our queues from.  These changes we are making are paving the way for some further under-the-hood architectural changes which may well enable us to something like you describe, but at the moment that would be difficult to do in a way that you describe and achieve what we are trying to achieve. 


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