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Auto Escalation questions

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All,

I am in the process of setting up our instance to start auto escalating requests and have some questions that have arisen whilst configuring the new SLA:

- When we apply the new SLA configuration to the Instance, I presume the new SLA configuration will only apply to new requests raised, or will it retrospectively review an update existing requests currently under the old SLA? I was planning on making a new SLA and just swopping this over when we are ready, and I know more often than not these types of changes within Hornbill are not retrospectively applied to old requests.

- Within the auto escalation options, we can send a notification or email to the Owner, Owner's Manager, Team and Specified named individuals. I wanted to understand what would happen if there is no Owner on a request (we do not currently auto assign requests to team members, all requests are auto assigned to teams within the BPMs. It is then left to team members / team leaders for assignment of requests manually so some requests will more than likely not have an owner when a trigger point is reached). Will it just ignore the configuration? I presume I would need to insert another escalation rule to send notification to the assigned Team just in case there is no assigned Owner?

- is the value for the Owner's Manager taken from the individual Users profile on Hornbill, or taken from the assigned team setup (i.e. Member, Team Leader, Manager)? And what would happen if we have more than one team Member marked as Manager if this is taken from the assigned team setup?

Many thanks !

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Hi @Adrian Simpkins

I think you pretty much had the correct answer for all three points:

1. The new configuration would apply to new requests as you create them it won't be retrospectively applied

2. If you have it configured to send to owner but no owner is set then it will simply not send an email.. as you mentioned you can configure multiple notifications to contact relevant members as needed

3. The manager is indeed determined from the manager on the user profile, if one is not set then again it simply won't send the email.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards,


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Hi Dave 

Thanks,  much appreciated - I have made the silly mistake of presuming before for some configurations that affect a lot of requests, and have learnt my lesson :) It does highlight a need to update all our Users profiles with matching Manager to the configured teams so that is good to know in advance

Many thanks!

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Hi Dave

Just another thought around this setup - I note we can send a notification to the team a request is assigned, so was trying to understand why the Owners manager is pulled from the Profile and not the team structure (we have put a lot of effort into our team setup with members, team leaders and managers so would prefer to use this as the source for a Owners manager)

We were also hoping to use the Team Leader role for these escalations rather than the Manager - is the Team Leader role excluded here as well?

Can you comment further please?



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Hi James,

Apologies but I have another question around this posting.

So as you may well be aware we currently have 3 domains coming into our MSE instance of Hornbill so we have a mixture of teams where the manager is under one AD, and the staff sit across all the 3 ADs. I know the auto escalation to an Owner's manager pulls this from their Hornbill Profile which comes from the AD LDAP sync.

The issue we would have here is we cannot add other domain details, so if we activate auto escalation rules, Hornbill will send the email notification to the associated manager which of course we cannot set to just one AD so we could potentially have these email notifications going to 3 different emails albeit for one person. Our managers only logon to the desktop under one logon, and use just one of their mailboxes as their main mailbox and would not use the mailboxes on the other 2 Active Directories so we are unsure how we would handle this?

This is also why I had suggested using the manager in the owning team as the driving data for the notifications, rather then the  manager loaded to a Users Profile from the AD sync

Many thanks !

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