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BPM not assigning back to a team

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I have built my change management flow and i have noticed that one of the 'Hornbill' automation nodes doesn't seem to be doing what I have asked it to. This is my flow and i have highlighted what isnt working:



The ticket should auto assign back to the change management queue, but it isnt. Here is the node config:




what am i doing wrong? 


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Hi @Dave Longley

That certainly looks correct, what does happen? does it move on board, remove from change calendar, etc? Does the checkpoint on the Post Change Review task get marked?

You mention it should assign back to the change team, where is it being reassigned from?

The simplest thing would be that the updated process hasn't been published, in which case it wouldn't be used in the process. It also would only apply to any change requests logged after the process was published, I assume that's all correct?

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Hi @Conor, thanks for the reply. The BPM has been published correctly. Below is the stage before:



the areas highlighted in yellow are members of different teams, when the ticket has been approved, the RFC is assigned to either member depending on the criteria (this works fine), when they complete the manual tasks 'Change Successfully Implemented' (in this example is was a success) then the change should move back to the Change Management queue as per the original image. 

does this make sense? 


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@Dave Longley is the Post Change Review task assigned correctly when it gets to that point? On the right hand side information section does the request still have an owner at that point, but assigned to ServiceDesk?

So I'm clear; it gets assigned to the Change team initially, and then in the implementation stage it gets assigned to one of three people who are not part of the Change Management team, and then it should be assigned back in the final stage? 

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@Conor, yes that is correct, re the below: 

So I'm clear; it gets assigned to the Change team initially, and then in the implementation stage it gets assigned to one of three people who are not part of the Change Management team, and then it should be assigned back in the final stage? 

The post change review task is assigned to the Change team correctly but the ticket is still assigned to the Service desk:



Do you want me to send you an API key to have a look?


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@Dave Longley For the assignment task could you put the Update System timeline option on please:


Once done could you post a screenshot of the same timeline with this timeline update please. 

I want to see if it is marking the assignment task in the timeline, but then not doing the assignment. Could you also post a screenshot of the info section on the top right please when it hits the second task :



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Morning @David Longley

You have got the options in the assignment node set to auto rather than ignore. If the Team (from variable) is set to auto it then picks up the current team or a null value which is then preventing the assignment. Try changing the auto values to be ignore:


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@Conor, below is the list of my change request types:



the condition at the expression statement is looking the word 'standard'




I raised CH194 as my example as it does not see the ticket as a standard changed as the BPM change the category to 'Non standard Change' and it should have been 'standard change'





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for the standard change do you not need to reference the pcf/form that was logged rather than the request details? As the request does not know that the analyst chose Standard, so you would need a get progressive capture details node and reference from there?

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