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Missing timeline items


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I have had a few calls recently that seem to be missing comments from the timeline. Is there a system failicty to hide things in the timeline that analysts maybe using I'm not aware off?

 In the example I'm seeing a call has been assigned to someone, then the next item is call taken off hold, but I'm missing the bit that shows call placed on hold. It worries me as we have calls that are against a customer SLA.




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@chriscorcoran the owner of the request has the option to set the visibility to 'Owner'.  As a result they would then be the only one that could see that particular timeline update.  Also if no visibility default is set against the service sub status it may default to Owner.  Check if the Timeline Visibility option is blank.



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@chriscorcoran the following defect was confirmed today which will directly impact this.  Although I do not yet have a release date for the fix:

Sub-status pop-up

  • When the logged-on person is a Request's owner, "Owner" is selected by default in the visibility selector.
  • When the logged-on person is not the Request's owner but is a member of the assigned team, "Team" is selected by default in the visibility selector.

In conclusion, the default item in the visibility selector is based on your visibility to the Request (returned by Requests::getVisibilityLevel) and the setting "guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility.hold" is not respected.

The expected behavior is:
If the sub-status has a visibility level defined (in Service > Config > Request Sub-statuses > Edit sub-status > Timeline Visibility field), use that. Else, use the visibility defined in guest.ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.operation.defaultVisibility.hold.

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