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Average Aged SparkLine

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Hi @Josh Bridgens

I'm not sure if this is possible at the moment - but just to get some more information about what you classify as "Age"

  • Are you incorporating calls that are On Hold?
  • Are you taking into account Work Time Calendars?
  • Or is this literally "The average of how many Days/Hours old all of our calls our, regardless of anything else?"

Kind Regards


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Hi @Josh Bridgens

Having had a look at this, I don't think we can get out exactly what you want.

We do not store/record the "Total Time Open" in a single attribute against the request in the table h_itsm_requests. This means that a calculation would be required (something like h_dateresolved minus h_datelogged to generate the number of seconds/minutes between the two values) which you could then perform an AVERAGE calculation upon. However, when creating measures, we do not have the ability to perform calculations like that - we can only query specific existing attributes. 

There is a field called h_fixtime but this records the time taken to resolve the request based on the SLA asscociated (so would incorporate your working time calandar hours, and not record time the request was on-hold etc)

We may be able to create a Real Time widget (which would give you the average time open of all tickets at the point of time you are viewing it) but this is not a sampled solution so you would not be able to compare it to other days without manually recording this figure every day. 

So unfortunately I'm not sure if what you are after if going to be possible through Hornbill right now - happy to help if you have any further questions though.

Kind Regards


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