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Creating updating Priorities


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@AKetteringham if you have the service  desk admin role, you will find the priorities under Service Portfolio option from the Service Manager tile in the navigation menu


There are options to

* Disable existing priorties (using the slider) so they can't be selected

* Adding new Priorities

* Changing the colours associated with existing or new priorities (click on the colour next to the priority)

* Re-order how they appear in lists, by dragging and dropping into the desired order


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@AKetteringham ok no problem, in which case this is your service level targets.   

Where you change this will depend on if your organisation are using the older Service Levels (as shown below)


This should help: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Service_Levels

Or if you are using the newer Service Level Agreements (shown below) 


This should help: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Service_Level_Agreements

Let us know if you have any questions


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@AKetteringham ok, i can see you have added a Priority of P3 (3 day fix), but this is simply a display name for the priority.  Service levels are different to priorities, even if they are named the same in Hornbill, and in order for the action service level targets to change, you will need to do this under the Service Level configuration 


Assuming it is your resolve service levels you are changing, and assuming you have added the new priority called P3 (3 day fix) under the priorities tab, if you go to the service levels tab > resolve time and click on +  this will allow you to add a new resolve time - you should see your P3 (3 Day fix) priority available to pick from the drop down - then you can associate the relevant days to your new service level target. 

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@AKetteringham ok so above you did mention you were using the old service levels, so the advice above relates to the old one's :) 


From your latest screenshots it looks like the new Service Level Agreements where the configuration is somewhat different and more needs to be considered. 

The wiki links in the post at the top cover off how to use and configure Service Level Agreements and they also cover how these can be both global or service specific, how you can configure multiple different service levels per SLA (i.e P1, P2, P3), and how you can set rules inside each SLA to determine which service level is invoked on a ticket i.e mapped to the corresponding priorities), there is also a level up of having multiple SLA's ,each with their own set of service levels, and in scenario's where you have multiple SLA's you also need to have rules to determine which SLA is used, before you have rules for which Service Level in the chosen SLA is also used. - confusing i know :) 

If all you are doing is adding a new P3 rule, then your existing SLA should be visible on the Service Level Agreement view - and clicking on this, should show you the already configured service levels  - i.e P1, P2, P3 etc - you should just be able to edit the P3 rule and set it to your new priority which you created .

If this is not immediately obvious i would take a look at the wiki documentation.

Corporate Service Level Agreements can be applied and used for tickets logged against any service - but they will only be invoked if you have configured rules under which this will happen.  


This bit needs to be done before the corporate service level agreement is invoked. 


Against your services, if you have more than one service level agreement configured, you will also need to set the rules against which it knows which one to use 




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