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Reporting on reassigning of requests


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Hiya, I've been asked if I can pull together a report on the number of requests an individual analyst has reassigned and after a fair bit of googling and research I'm stumped (probably not helped that I'm no expert at SQL and have had limited training on Hornbill).

Has anyone had to put together anything along these lines before and if so, any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!




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@RobW We do hold the information on who the previous owner was, and who the new owner is, so you can report on the number of times a request is assigned away from an agent , and who the new agent is.  Below is an example of this based on the previous owner, i.e for every reassignment, you may draw from this that they have reassigned the tickets to someone else, but it could of been someone else who reassigned it away from them (if that makes sense)

There is a sample dashboard in out sandbox instance which may help here



You can login to view this as grahamc / H0rnbill

Click on the edit button on the top left widget to see the details, as an example it could be something like this for what you are after

SELECT h_previous_user_id As Analyst, COUNT(h_request_id) AS Assignments from h_itsm_request_team_assignment 
inner Join h_itsm_requests on h_request_id=h_pk_reference
WHERE h_previous_user_id!='No previous owner'
Group by h_previous_user_id 
order by Assignments desc
Limit 5

If you were looking to create an admin report, you would need something like this report - feel free to upload and tweak 

reassignments.report (1).txt




Hope that helps






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Hi Steven, many thanks for all this! I've had some success pulling the information requested and it's one of those times where I have just enough Hornbill and SQL knowledge to be dangerous!

I can see the Top 10 Bounced incidents widget being particularly useful in other areas too........

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