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I am looking into ways that I can create a BPM that assigns tasks depending on if the User is in a group. 

I have attached a sketch BPM to show example. (The logic for the decisions has not been applied so ignore errors)


Custom Attribute Solution

I have considered using "Custom Attributes" to determine if a User has that software 

e.g "Custom Attribute A" = Yes / Custom Attribute = Software 1


My issue with this is we have more software than "Custom Attributes" and I dont know of an easy way to populate these fields automatically. 


Roles Solution

I have considered creating a "Role" for each piece of software and adding Users. 

This also doesnt seem practical for keeping the groups up to date.


Active Directory Solution

We have the groups populated in Active Directory already. Does the new "IT Automation" allow to see if a User exists in a group?

Or even "Cloud Automation" with Azure. Is there any way to see if a User is part of a group?

We do not have these additional features just yet but are looking into them. 


Any suggestions or guidance on how to solve this would be great!









@JamieMews how many groups do you have that a user maybe in?  i.e how many more than the 8 attribute fields on the user record?

If you held multiple values in the attribute fields, then perhaps you could use the Contains option in your decisions?


Just a thought

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