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Being fairly new to Python I am trying to work out how to populate the xmlmc object with the required Input Parameters in order to call the 'entityUpdateRecord' in particular the 'primaryEntityData' . I can see what is needs via the API documentation but there is no Python code examples.


I am wanting to be be able to populate a number of custom field values on a request.

Has anyone got any Python code examples that would help?




Hi @Martyn Houghton,

I've just had a look at the Python API Library, and it appears that it doesn't support complex parameters - which makes it pretty useless :( I'll add a re-write of that to the list, but for the time being I've knocked up a very basic example of how you can call that API in Python without the XMLMC module (or indeed XML at all), using a small function to make the call using the requests module:

# entityUpdateRecord.py
# This script is an example of how to call a Hornbill API in Python

import requests
import sys

apiKey = 'apikey'           # This is the (case sensitive) API key to use to authenticate the API calls against the Hornbill instance
instanceId = 'instanceid'   # This is the (case sensitive) ID of your Hornbill instance

# Get API endpoint from the instanceId
URL = 'https://files.hornbill.com/instances/{instanceId}/zoneinfo'.format(instanceId=instanceId)
    endpoint = requests.get(url = URL).json()["zoneinfo"]["endpoint"]
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    sys.exit('Unexpected response when attempting to retrieve Hornbill Zone Information: ' + e)

# Define a function to make API calls
def invokeXmlmc(service, method, params):
    xmlmcEndpoint = endpoint + "xmlmc/{service}/?method={method}" 
    URL = xmlmcEndpoint.format(service=service, method=method)
    headers = {
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'ESP-APIKEY ' + apiKey
    data = {
        response = requests.post(url=URL, json=data, headers=headers)
        if 200 >= response.status_code <= 299:
            return response.json()
            return {
                '@status': False,
                'state': {
                    'error': 'Unexpected status returned from call to {service}::{method}: {statusCode}'.format(service=service, method=method, statusCode=response.status_code)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        return {
            '@status': False,
            'state': {
                'error': 'Unexpected response from call to {service}::{method}: {errorString}'.format(service=service, method=method, errorString=e)
# Build API Params object in JSON
paramsJson = {
    'application': 'com.hornbill.servicemanager',
    'entity': 'Requests',
    'primaryEntityData': {
        'record': {
            'h_pk_reference': 'IN00013316',
            'h_summary': 'This is the summary, as set by my Python script'

# Make API Call
apiResponse = invokeXmlmc('data', 'entityUpdateRecord', paramsJson)
if apiResponse['@status'] != True:

# Print the response to show it worked

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any of it explaining.




Hi @Martyn Houghton,

The Hornbill Python API Library has been updated on Github to support complex input parameters. Here's an example of its use:

from xmlmc import XmlmcService
from xmlmc import XmlmcHelper

xmlmc = XmlmcService("yourinstanceid")
xmlmc.add_param("application", "com.hornbill.servicemanager")
xmlmc.add_param("entity", "Requests")
elem = xmlmc.add_param("primaryEntityData")
childElem = elem.add_child("record")
childElem.add_child("h_pk_reference", "IN00013316")
childElem.add_child("h_summary", "This is the summary, as set by my Python script")
json_string = xmlmc.invoke("data", "entityUpdateRecord")
if XmlmcHelper.is_call_success(json_string):
    auditTransactionId = XmlmcHelper.get_param_value(json_string, "params/auditTransactionId")



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