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Request Category not available in Request List ?

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Hello. We're new to HSM so forgive me if I've missed anything basic in this question. 

In the Request List https://live.hornbill.com/<our ID>/servicemanager/requests/ I would like to be able to see the Request Category for each of the requests listed. However when I click on Configure > Customize Columns it isn't included in the Available Display Columns. I'd be very surprised if I were the first person who has wanted to do this. Is there something I'm missing ? 



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Hi Richard, 

Thanks for your post.  You are right that you are not the first person to ask for this.  This column is currently not part of the request list simply due to a little challenge around the length of the category IDs which include the full path from the root of the tree.  The result is a bit of an unfriendly view in the list. However, we have some ideas to progress with this and we do have a change in our backlog.  I'll add you to the change and we will feedback on this post as it progresses.

You can see an additional conversation about this topic here.



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