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Number of minutes elapsed between datelogged and date resolved


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I'm trying to create a report that shows me the number of minutes incidents have been open, adjusted for our SLA clock.  For example if i log an incident at 09:00 and its resolved at 09:15 i want a report that returns the value of 15 minutes.

If a request was logged at 08:00 and resolved at 09:15 but our sla clock is 09:00 to 17:00 i want it to return a value of 15 mins as the request was only open for 15 minutes of sla time.

Im assuming the time elapsed must be stored or calculated by the system somewhere but cannot figure out how to access it in a report.

Does anyone have any ides?

Thanks all



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On 4/28/2020 at 3:35 PM, JBasey said:

the time elapsed must be stored or calculated by the system somewhere

The time elapsed on response is stored in this field: h_responsetime (Request Response Time)

For the time elapsed on resolve is stored in this field:  h_fixtime (Request Resolve Time)

Both these fields in requests table/entity store the duration in seconds and the duration accounts for the associated working time calendar. In your words, duration is adjusted for SLA clock.

Important to note: the elapsed time is not calculated from date logged but from the date/time the SLA timer is started (by the Start Response/Start Resolve timer nodes in the business process). Therefore you will never (or almost never) have an exact match. Basically, elapsed time != date resolved/responded - date logged. You can have a very close matche (sometimes even an exact match) by having these start timer nodes at the very start of the workflow though.

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