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Scheduled Job (Monthly)

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All,

I have setup some scheduled daily jobs for some of our teams, however I need to setup a Monthly job to generate on the 1st of each month - however when I look a the node for configuring 'Get Current Day' I am unsure if this can be changed to cater for a job to auto generate only on the 1st working day of each month. Anyone setup a monthly job at all? If so, how do I configure the scheduled job to generate on a monthly basis please?

Many thanks !

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@Adrian Simpkins an option to consider here is our API Scheduler 


This will allow for the logging of new requests via scheduled API calls - the example one on the wiki is for an Incident. 

It users cron for scheduling, and as per the example below you could use one of the pre-defined examples - 0 0 0 1 * *



This is obviously outside of the Hornbill User Interface, but might be an option for you.   

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