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Organisation Functionality


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It would be great to have the ability to amend parents and rename organisational entities 

I have had a single name change of a department from HR that has meant the need to create a large number of new entities at general and department level

many thanks


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At the moment you can alter the display name of the organisation, but as you mention you are not able to change the Organisational ID, which is the bit that actually holds the hierarchical structure.

The latter would be useful for us as well.

The individual organisation object identifier is enforced as being unique even without the parent prefix, but the system uses the whole Organisation ID including the hierarchy as the identifier rather than just the individual organisation object element. Because of this, making changes to the parent would change full identifier and mean all references in the database would need to be bulk updated.

Perhaps another way would be to have the ability to copy organisation elements and be able to amend the parent at this stage, along with the ability mark an organisation element as historic/archived?



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Hi @AndyGilly

From looking back when this was previously discussed internally, it appears that the current structure (i.e. not being able to amend the ID once it has been set) was configured for Performance reasons (the way that it filters subgroups using LIKE statements). This has not changed since it's initial interation - simply because it would be quite an amount of effort to rengineer. 

However, after the challenges that you and other customers have had in recent months with the changes to your org structure (especially these days, with more reliance on Organisation Components when using Service Subscriptions), I have reopened discussion of this thread with our product owners and management to see if this can be revisited.

I will keep you informed of any updates

Kind Regards


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