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User Licence - Job Share Users


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Good Afternoon

I have a question with regards to User Licences for Service Manager, i have a number of teams which have support staff who job share, therefore to have a licence for each member of staff is not feasible with cost, because the licence is only ever going to be used by one user at one time.  Is it possible in this case to have a generic account, so both users can use the account?


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Hello @JoanneG

Technically, yes you could create a generic user account called "Generic1" "Generic2" etc... but this would be reflected in system audits and so on,  for example, "The call was placed on hold by Generic1" might be things you would encounter.  For this to work for you, those users would need to share access credentials and to co-ordinate non-conflicting usage between themselves. If you are using SSO then they would also need to have generic accounts set up on your identity provider/LAN and those users would need to be logged into those generic accounts for SSO to work as you would expect it  to work.  

Like any enterprise information system, its always possible for generic user accounts to be created and used, but its rarely desirable, most security teams would not entertain the idea. 

Hope that helps




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